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Free Classroom Resources

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The London Skyline (Ages 7-13)

We are all about opportunities which bring a touch of magic to learning, so we’ve created a new, completely free, resource to support you in the classroom. With three hours’ worth of content pre- and -post an educational visit to the London Eye, these activities enable students to locate and categorise London's main Physical and Human features into North, South, East and West compass positions, describe the Physical and Human features of London in relation to the capital's history, and analyse the impact of London's architecture on its environment, culture and tourism industry.

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KS2 Individual Activities

Our free KS2 in-classroom activity ideas includes 'London Landmarks (KS2 Geography), 'Great buildings, designers and architects' (KS2 Art), 'Mapping London’s landmarks' (KS2 Geography & English), 'Big Wheel Designers' (KS2 Y4-6 DT), 'Exploring the Thames' (KS2 Geography) and 'The Victorian time capsule' (KS2 History).

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KS3 Individual Activities

Our free KS3 in-classroom activity ideas includes 'London Landmarks (KS3 Geography), 'Visit London' guides (KS3 English), 'London then and now' (KS3 History & Geography), 'Aerial architects and designers' (KS3 DT) and 'London's great bridge engineers' (KS3 History & Art).


Our students really enjoyed their trip on the London Eye as well as the 4D film experience. The online materials about the skyline were really useful in preparing them for the experience, and also made walking around London fun because they recognised the buildings they studied and were able to see many of them close up.

Kathryn - Collegio Rotondi

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